SDV INTERNATIONAL Co-Sponsors Annual Event the U.S. Department of State — SDV INTERNATIONAL

SDV INTERNATIONAL Co-Sponsors Annual Event the U.S. Department of State

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA --- SDV INTERNATIONAL co-sponsored an event with the U.S. State Department to promote small businesses that support the United States Department of State outside of national borders.  Participants at the event, which was hosted at George Mason University in Arlington, Virginia included Presidential Appointees and Senior Executive Service Members from the Department of State (DOS), the United States Department Agency for International Development (USAID), the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The State Department addressed its programs to drive more federal contracts to qualified small businesses.   

The event was co-sponsored by SDV INTERNATIONAL and the Small Business Association of International Companies (SBAIC). The Small Business Association for International Companies is a non-profit organization established to promote the meaningful utilization of U.S. small businesses at U.S. government agencies providing foreign assistance.  SDV INTERNATIONAL’s President, Jason Roys, currently serves as the Co-Chair for Outreach at SBAIC. Learn more at  
